The Trump Election: Patriarchy and Misogyny

by William Minter, Editor, AfricaFocus Bulletin

Page text last updated: February 27 2017 (date each entry added to database can be found in database).

Since the week after the election, I have been tracking, and archiving in a simple database, articles, books, and monographs for 21 "intersecting explanations" for the election outcome. As David Leonhardt noted in a New York Times op-ed, "One of the sillier aspects of postelection analysis is the notion that any one factor determined the result." I argue that instead, there are many factors that acted intersectionally to produce the outcome. In analyzing which were more important, how they interacted, and what implications there are for strategy, that complex intersectionality must be taken into account.

For an overview of the database, and links to sources on 21 distinct intersecting explanations, visit

For sources highlighting patriarchy and misogyny, see database records below.

Note that this includes not only male attitudes and behaviors but also the acceptance or tolerance of such attitudes and behaviors, whether because of traditional values or other reasons.


Books and Working Papers

This page is part of the No Easy Victories website.